Profit Calculator Profit Calculator Use This Calculator To Estimate How Much Opportunity You're Missing Out On The estimates below are based on almost two decades of our customer performance data. Enter Your Average monthly visitors X 1.1% ( average conversion rate ) Over the many years we’ve been doing this, across hundreds of our customers we typically convert 1% to 2.5% of the monthly unique visitors into what we call “meaningful chats”. So we’re using 1.1% here as the average. Also, we don’t send chat transcripts over to our customers that are spam or aren’t “meaningful’ to their business. Please be sure to ask us about this if you have questions. = Chat Transcripts Chat Transcripts 40% to 70% of the chats will be sales inquiries Over the many years we’ve been doing this, across hundreds of our customers, we’ve observed that out of all the chats we send to our customers, usually 40% to 70% of them are sales inquiries. The rest are made up of customer service, parts, employment, and general inquiries. (Chat Transcripts) X 40 = of your chat transcripts will be sales opportunities Your Closing Percentage(Sliding scale 10% to 80%) (sales opportunities) X 10 = Number or closed Sales Enter Your Average sale amount X Number of Closed Sales = Gross Sales Revenue Next, if you know your profit margin, let's do some math for the calculations Gross Sales Revenue X 10% to 80% profit margin 10 = Profit every 30 days Contact Us for Demo